
Secure login with unique user id and password.


Display employee’s basic profile information with photograph, visiting card sharing WhatsApp, email, Facebook, Instagram or any social media.

Day start:Puts an attendance entry to the portal and starts sending current location to the web portal as well as inform to upper level, Displays today’s task list and work information

Day End: Stop sending location to the portal and completes today’s task.

Party List

Display employees’ party list with detail for Marketing officer and display employee down line for upper level employees.

Order: Can put order on behalf of selected party as well as list the orders with status.

Payment:Pay on behalf of selected party as well as list the payments with status.

Ledger:Can view ledger of selected party.

Product Planning

Plan the product selling with target and sends to upper level users for confirmation. Upper level user can modify the target and confirm back to the employee.

Tour Planning

Employee can plan the tour date wise with places to visit and actual visited places.


Enters activites and billing with date, amount, detail and photographs (bill photo) to manage expanse i.e. Patrol, Diesel, Food, Traveling, Accommodation, Courier etc. This bill calculation will affect in T.A / D.A. Reports.

My Profile / Change password

Display my profile and supply depot information as well as can change login password.

Product List

Display categorized product list with detail and photograph and click to move on order.


Lists the notifications received.

A-1010, 10th Floor, 9 Square, Nana Mava Main Road, Rajkot-4(Gujarat) - INDIA

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