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Secure login with unique user id and password.
Mange dealer orders with custom search i.e. date, PO number, status and state. Change status of dealer order like Accept, reject and hold. Dispatch dealer orders and partly dispatch orders.
Mange depot orders with custom search i.e. date, PO number, status and state. Change status of depot order like Accept, reject and hold. Dispatch depot orders and partly dispatch orders. Move order (full or partial) to another depot.
Shows Employee tour tracking detail with journey details like visited places, KM travelled and visual track of journey using MAP.
Mange activities and state wise employee billing with Approve, reject status and custom searching. This affects TA/DA reports.
Mange state wise employee Tour planning uploaded with Approve, reject status and custom searching. Mange state wise Product plan for employees with Approve, reject status and custom searching.
We provide many customized reports like. Party wise orders (All / Dispatched / Pending) with delivery destination and preferred transport. Product wise orders (All / Dispatched / Pending) Order summary (Pending / Dispatched) Dealer / Employee Details for the Depot.
Products / Product Type / Product Packing Destination / City, Taluka, District, State Customer Feedback SMS / Notification Templates
Create new depot with basic information with selection of multiple States, Districts and Talukas with depot login. Lists the Depot with Active, De-Active status.
Generate TA / DA Report for the employee.
Manage state wise with dealer with new dealer registration, listing and custom search i.e. State, Officer, name, contact number and status. Set dealer code, Marketing officer and change status like Active / De-active
Create new employees with basic details, salary (TA, DA Settings) details, depot details, bank account details and headquarter information.
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